“Described as a modern day Marianne Faithful, The Little Miss manages to mix the past and future together to make a wonderful new concoction.” – Jane Hawkins, York Calling, May 2018
“Listen to the voice of the remarkable singer, Hayley Johnson, also known as The Little Miss. It is enchanting, polished and admirable. You may fall in love before the wind stops blowing in the background of the record.” – Grungecake, May 2018
“Those of longer stay will know my ever present predilection towards songs of minimalist persuasion, often commenting three chords is plenty, yet, in A Ride Along the Mountain Valley – The Little Miss evidences that three has the potential to be one chord too many and it will some as no surprise this immediately sits on my essential songs playlist, as it assuredly should yours too.” – Emerging Indie Bands, May 2018
“Doubt, from The Little Miss, is the best song I’ve heard in a really long time. As a stand alone song it does exactly what a single should do. It makes you hit repeat x repeat x repeat, and then it makes you research the artist and figure out if there is more music to inhale.” – Cut From Steel, May 2017