Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon

“Had Stevie Nicks ditched Fleetwood Mac and joined Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers circa Damn the Torpedoes, this heartland-rock anthem might’ve found a home on Side A, sandwiched between “Even the Losers” and “Shadow of a Doubt.” A flashback to the glory days of Seventies pop-rock, “Standing in the Shadows” lights up with coed harmonies, electric-guitar jangle and California cool.” Rolling Stone Grand Canyon’s previous albums have received praise from critics (LA Times, Rolling Stone, Paste, Billboard) and fans alike for their ability to transport people back in time through spot-on nostalgic references to their musical heroes: Petty, Zevon, Fleetwood Mac, Springsteen, and The Byrds. They blend rock ‘n’ roll swagger, subtle country warmth, and classic unapologetic pop optimism in albums that are both timeless and resonant. With their third release, Forevermore, they dig even further back in time, toying with 60s influences and more acoustic elements. “Albums meant something to us as kids,” says singer Casey Shea. “They still mean something to us. So I mean, it may be against better judgment, but it was important to us to release these songs together.” The Los Angeles based band expertly meshes classic songcraft and sounds to create recordings that could have been produced yesterday or 40 years ago. This is music that can be enjoyed by both young and old, with some listeners bathing in its nostalgia and others falling in love with the catchy melodies and lush production for the first time.