Pearl Charles
Pearl Charles
Date: Sun May 19
Stage: Farm
Pearl Charles lives in the moment. Seeking excitement whether it leads her down a dark, dusty road or
into the arms of a trouble-making lover. Her songs describe late night revelry, love affairs, running away
and running towards, serenading the sunrise through whirlwind stories of her native Los Angeles, the city,
the canyon, the desert, and the road. On a quest to discover the truest version of herself, Charles
embraces the feeling of not being settled, a person that always restlessly wants more from life and will
chase it down. Her music career has been a chronological progression from old-time music to 60’s garage
and psychedelia, and now to more 70’s and 80’s disco, country and soft rock. Gravitating towards catchy,
poppy hooks and choruses, Charles draws from what she loves about each era while developing her
unique style and voice as a musician, singer, and songwriter.