Rod Gee is an LA native who has been in the music industry for close to 20 years. Started in the Hip Hop genre and has documented some of the biggest artists. Currently, he has a show called Still Water Oldies, which started on Facebook and really started to take off on during the pandemic. Now Still Water Oldies has become a brand and is becoming an event you don’t want to miss in real life. Still Water Oldies brings you all those oldies you grow up to and mixes them with rare, hard-to-find oldies and Modern Soul like Los Yesterdays.
@rodgee @stillwateroldies @los_yesterdays_official @djrek1 @djyumz @ocsoul714 @nextfestla @lacountyfair Fairplex, LA County Fair, May 2022
#nextfestla #lacountyfair #rodgee #stillwateroldies #losyesterdays
- DJ Rek1 (Carlos Fernandez) 5-630 PM
- DJ Yumz (James Mendoz) 630-8 PM
- Los Yesterdays ( Bad Vic -Victor Benavides, Tom Brenneck, David Paul Rodriguez, Gabe Roth, Gabriel Rowland, Cain Carias) 8-9 PM
- OC SOUL (Roland Zamora, Noey Cisneros, Ruben Segobia, Rod Gee (Gerardo Munoz)) 9-11 PM